Happy Tails 

The feel good pet blog

Adoptions, foster, and education resource 

Meet Mavie 

Hello out there! Happy official Fall y’all We hope this season fares you all well. Like we’ve said before there’s always something new around every corner. These last few weeks haven’t been an exception. We like to share our journey and the things we learn with you. This week is a tough one and we can tell you many a tear has been shed.
This week we’d like to introduce you to Mavie A most precious, loving little soul! We can’t and won’t be able to say enough just how amazing her fight for life and happy go lucky spirit are.
We’ve attached some pictures and videos (in comments) for you to see this beautiful girl. For you to see her will to live and her happy, loving heart. Her purrs can make a bad day go away. Her quirky cutie face can just melt you to pieces. We’ve fallen so in love with her and mostly her spirit.
Sadly, for Mavie, she wasn’t very lucky in the genetic department. To start she has an eye condition called eyelid agenesis. What is that you ask? Well, basically it’s a congenital defect where the upper lateral eyelid isn’t formed. For her this has meant 

eye infections and now daily treatment to try and keep her eyes moist and comfortable.That’s bad enough right? It doesn’t stop there for her though.
Mavie was brought to emergency care recently. See, she’s been vomiting and couldn’t seem to keep food down. Standard medical practices were tried but when she started to have what looked like stomach contractions and what seemed to be trouble breathing we knew something more serious was going on.Mavie was quite the conundrum and the vets there hadn’t seen anything like her. X-Rays were done but they were unable to diagnose her there. This meant her information had to be sent to a radiologist for further review. After what felt like years off our lives and confirmation from a Veterinarian we work very closely with, we were hit with some very sad news. She has a very rare condition called Persistent Right Aortic Arch or PRAA. This means she has a congenital abnormality of her hearts blood vessel which has resulted in her esophagus being compressed at the base of her heart  Food cannot be 

properly digested which causes this poor girl to regurgitate her food. She has been able to keep wet food down for now but the time she has for this to continue to work is unknown.
The good news? Mavie is a candidate for surgeries that would correct both her eyes and the PRAA. The better news? You can all have a part in her recovery and her chance to keep fighting to live! We know we’ve said it before but we are a small and humble rescue. We don’t have grants, and all the work we do relies on fundraising and donations. We need help. When we got the news, we were also told this surgery is not something she can get in the state of New Mexico. She will need to see a specialist out of state. Unfortunately, this will add to the cost of getting her where she needs to be. This is potentially our biggest need yet

We understand times are tough all around and we hate to ask such a big need, but we have to try. We have to be this brave little girl’s voice. Every penny counts! Please, even if you can only share, we would just be beyond appreciative for any and every ounce of help. Like we always say, together we are unstoppable!! Together we can make so many changes! Can you help us change this sweet one’s luck? #formavie


Let's talk fostering

".The goal is saving lives but also having a good fit for their time in your homes!"

We hope this last week has been good to you It’s been a busy week for us! Did you know we have a YouTube Channel?! Keep an eye out for our Monday Meet & Greets as well as fur baby tips and tricks videos that’ll be coming up soon! On another note, this week’s Wednesday’s What’s What we’d like to talk about fostering and what to expect when you’re bringing these precious little babes into your home
One of the questions we get asked the most about fostering is “what exactly does it all entail?”. Along with “Are they potty trained”, “Are they good with other dogs or cats”, and “How long will I need to foster for”. These are all great questions!!! We love questions! Really, we do! The more questions you ask the more informed and comfortable you are! We want nothing more than for you and fur babies to be as comfortable as possible during your time together. The goal is saving lives but also having a good fit for their time in your homes!
Let us start first by saying we have everyone interested in fostering fill out a Foster Application. The why goes back to that good fit! We want to make sure we’re placing our fosters into the appropriate home for them and YOU! The questions let us know a little bit about you and your home. Home checks are also done and this is to assure the space is right for the foster and to check on things like fence strength and heights. We’re not investigators. This all boils down to good fits and safety
Typically, with dogs our foster period is anywhere from 2-4 weeks. This depends on when their transport date is. What’s a transport date? Well, the dogs that get pulled from the shelter are saved by other rescues that are willing and able to take them into their care and find them furever homes! We work with their schedule so when they give us a date we are sure to have them ready and provide you with that time as well. From there it’s just a matter of them having that safe, happy place to rest their heads while they wait. You are a very much needed bridge to their furever future

When we place our foster with you we will provide you with food and other supplies needed according to each fur babe. What you’re providing is a sweet space with lots of LOVE!! We don’t always know what these babies have been through or where they came from. They are mostly strays. Some are happy go lucky and some are scared, to the bone. When we say you’re the bridge we mean that in the sense that these poor lost souls are just that…lost. They don’t know what’s going on. They don’t know if they are safe. They’re putting all their trust in us humans….which in some cases have been let down by.
The job of a foster is to love but also to watch. Like we said, we don’t always know what these babies have been through. So, when they’re in your home we ask that you watch them and see how they’re feeling. Are they comfortable? Are they stressed? Are there any signs of sickness such as vomiting or diarrhea? Your watchful eyes help us assure their overall well being and health. We are always there to support and answer any questions!!! Vet visits are paid for by us or the incoming rescues so never feel like you’ll be stuck with a bill. You opening your heart and home are more than we can express our gratitude for!
We want to say truthfully, fostering is tough sometimes. It’s not always easy and pretty. Most of the time it is but remember these lost souls mostly come from the streets. They’re so tired and broken. Most of the time you can see it in their eyes…they want to give up They need patience, time, and a whole lot of love! They need to know everything is going to be okay. They need you! You’ll never be alone in this! We have a FB chat group just for our fosters! Share your happy moments and your hard moments. We are here to support you 100% in this! You are the true champions here!

Don't feel blue

"Lorem Ipsum is dummy text." — Jane Smith

Let us first say thank you all for tuning in, commenting, and sharing our posts! Knowledge truly is power and together with that power we can do great things in our communities! Today’s post we want to talk about something that we hope everyone can understand the importance of. We’d like to talk about rehoming a fur baby…
Please know, we are not here to judge!! Things happen and times are hard. There are circumstances that can lead to this particular decision. We get it. What we want to offer are some tips that could hopefully help you rehome your fur baby into a safe and loving home. Being honest, we all know there are people who mean to do harm to animals. It’s a very cruel reality. We want the best for them and we know you do too. Our organization and other rescues like us get full and sometimes we’re simply unable to help. So, here’s some guidelines to give you a hand in screening their new potential home.
Free to good home – Most of the posts we see have this header. We know your heart is in the right place but more often than not these babies wind up in the hands of baiters. Have you ever seen responses that say “I’ll take all of those kittens” or “How many can I have”? That is a red flag! 

Ask questions and be persistent with them
Home visits – In the rescue world a home check is very common and someone who really wants to love your fur baby won’t be put off by it. There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to make sure their new environment is a safe one. Bring a buddy and be safe of course!
Rehoming Fee – We’re not saying you have to charge a ton but even a small rehoming fee goes a long way to ensuring it’s the right home. Baiters don’t want to pay, so this extra step can save lives
Pet Personality – No one knows your baby better than you, so you know what home would be best suited for them. It’s okay if the first or even second person(s) isn’t a good fit. It can be a little work but in the end it’s best for everyone that the right home and fit is found. This assures they aren’t rehomed again
Go with your gut – We all know that feeling in our stomachs that tells us something is off! Listen to it! If you don’t have a good feeling about it then you can end it there and simply say you don’t think it’s the right fit!
Please remember that they have no voice.
They are trusting in you to get them in a home that will love them and treat them like the precious souls they all are. Look into those eyes and make a promise to do right by them. Again, we really do understand but we also know that there are dangerous places that have no interest in seeing them thrive or be loved We are just asking that you take a few extra steps to ensure their safety.
Now sometimes rehoming can be prevented. If you are struggling with supplies or food please feel free to reach out. We have a bin with free food at our local
Petsense Clovis
and we’re happy to help in other ways if we can. If it’s a behavioral issue, there are lots of online resources with great tips and ideas for training both dogs and cats We’ve learned lots of tricks along the way too and we’re happy to correspond with you where we can. We’ve included some websites with information. We thank you for taking the time to read this and wish everyone well

Commando Cats & Canines Rescue

© Copyright 2020 Commando Cats & Canines Rescue